Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Human Rights Issue

The reason why the human rights issue occuring in Haiti is because The Amnesty International is seriously concerned that Haiti is descending into a severe humanitarian and human rights crisis. After months of insurrection by the armed opposition, President Aristide left Haiti on February 29. Since his departure the situation has remained volatile as spontaneous clashes between Aristide's supporters and members of the armed opposition continue to erupt despite the presence of a multinational force authorized by the U.N. Security Council in Haiti. It is feared that continued violence will result in more deaths and mass exodus of refugees. This problems are such as Civilan's risks,Humanitarian Catastrophe,Refugees, and Impunity.

Civilians Risks is that all the death's that happened last year and alot of human rights obbusses that have been commited, in the context of clashes between police and that unlawful killings and lootings may wreak further havoc on the country if the rebels and Aristide supporters fail to disarm and alot of people are living in fear.
The Humanitarian Catastrophe has been an alarmed by the humanitarian consequences of the violence in Haiti. Refugees As the situation remains volatile, Haitians are likely to continue to seek asylum outside the country. Impunity that Haitian judicial institutions have been further weakened by the recent political turmoil, making it difficult to hold authorities and armed opposition groups accountable for the deaths of hundreds of civilians since February 5, 2010 and still no changes to be made.

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